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University Putra Malaysia

Master of Tropical Urban Design
Location icon

Serdang Malaysia

Duration icon

18 months Duration

Tuition icon

$ 5,085 Tuition

Format icon

Full time Format

Other available programs from University Putra Malaysia: Faculty of Design and Architechture

The Master of Tropical Urban Design (MTUD) is a three-semester program that is designed to provide advance coursework with an emphasis on the tropical and subtropical regions. The program has a strong foundation in ecological, social and economic sustainability as a basis for planning and design. It also emphasizes skills in communication and collaboration with local communities and professional groups. The program employs a combination of studio, lectures, tutorials and regional and local trips. Graduates should find employment in government and private practice. MTUD covers the advance knowledge of the tropical urban design field and the skills of managing urban projects. The aspects include multi-disciplinary urban issues, ethics and professionalism. Students who enroll in the program are required to complete a minimum of 42 credits. The non-design background students need to complete an additional 6 credit basic design courses.

  • GPA: 2.75
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