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University of Strathclyde


University of Strathclyde Business School

MSc in Applied Economics
Location icon

Glasgow United Kingdom

Duration icon

12 months Duration

Tuition icon

£ 19,250 Tuition

Format icon

Full time Format

Other available programs from University of Strathclyde Business School

The MSc Applied Economics focuses on developing your technical and analytical skills alongside your practical experience of how these skills are used to solve real-world economic problems and inform decision-making in a variety of environments. This unique feature sets it apart from other degrees in economics. The program has been designed in consultation with key employers of our graduates, as well as the business, consulting and policy communities for the aspiring professional economist. This means that what you learn on the course is exactly what employers look for when recruiting new economists.

  • Language Test: IELTS 6.5 (minimum)
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