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College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

MA in Translation
Location icon

Sharjah United Arab Emirates

Duration icon

24 months Duration

Tuition icon

$ 26,477 Tuition

Format icon

Full time Format

As an institution of higher education, the University of Sharjah seeks to provide continuous and specialized education which aims at training human resources that are both capable of contributing to the sustained development of the country and enhancing its links with an ever-changing world. The Department of Foreign Languages, being keenly aware of these objectives, realizes that, in a world undergoing an irreversible process of globalization, there is a growing need for people who are in full command of the language that this process requires. Such people will need to be abreast of the latest developments in the world arena, to transfer the knowledge the country needs in the various fields of human endeavor, and to convey an accurate picture of the progress the country is undergoing in its own attempt to be in the forefront of developing nations. The overall mission of the MA. in Translation Program in the Department of Foreign Languages is to serve the needs of the community in the fields of education, communication, business and diplomacy. Young men and women graduating with a Master’s Degree from the Department are expected to competently fill key positions in these fields and to contribute to the ongoing process of modernization and development in the United Arab Emirates.

  • Language Test: TOEFL 79 (minimum), IELTS 6 (minimum)
  • GPA: 3.00
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