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Master in Economics
Location icon

Liège Belgium

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24 months Duration

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€ 8,350 Tuition

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Full time Format

Other available programs from University of Liège: HEC Liège - Management School

The Master’s degree in economics, available in two specializations, Economics and Finance and Economics and Society, offers you

* tools that are essential in order to analyze and understand the issues of local and global economics ;
* scientific knowledge and quantitative techniques in order to analyze economic, financial and social problems on the basis of observed facts and data. Large-scale digitalization and the appearance of massive data require increasingly quantitative management from companies, public administrations and non-governmental organizations. This training program for economists is one of the best adapted to this technological development. 
* a training program that is directed toward analysis and interpretation of data in order to make better decisions and forecasts;
* a program based on the expertise of HEC in the following areas: regional economic development, competition and innovation, public economics and finance;
* varied and attractive career opportunities. Numerous studies have shown that training in economics is particularly sought after in the labor market in Belgium and abroad.  The digitalization of our economies enhances the attractiveness of this training program.  Our graduates are recruited by banks and consulting companies in Brussels and Luxembourg, at the National Bank of Belgium, in private and public research centers and in public administrations.

The program offers specializations in: Economic Analysis & Policy,  Macroeconomics & Finance, and Teaching.

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