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MiM - International Strategic Marketing
Location icon

Liège Belgium

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24 months Duration

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€ 8,350 Tuition

Format icon

Full time Format

Other available programs from University of Liège: HEC Liège - Management School

Educate market-oriented leaders in a data-rich, digital, global and service world. Train them to understand marketing from an analytical, statistical, and strategic perspective. This Master is intended to students who strive to enhance their analytical, statistical, and strategic skills. It prepares them to embrace a marketing career in any organization, and gives them the ability to readily adapt to the ever-developing marketing world. In particular, this Master prepares students to: 

1. develop a thorough understanding of strategic marketing by means of a data-driven decision-making process,

2. operate in a data-rich environment and a VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous),

3. adopt an integrated approach to marketing that combines advanced knowledge in traditional and digital marketing with a strategic and international mindset.


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