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University of Leicester


College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities

MA in Art Museum and Gallery Studies
Location icon

Leicester United Kingdom

Duration icon

9 months Duration

Tuition icon

£ 19,760 Tuition

Format icon

Full time Format

Other available programs from University of Leicester: College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities

Supported by a large team of art museum and gallery specialists our Art Museum and Gallery Studies programme takes museum studies in a new direction. It focuses entirely on art institutions from beginning to end. In doing so, it recognises that art museums and galleries are a distinctive kind of institution and that they are best understood in relation to other kinds of art institution (biennials, art fairs, kunsthalles and so on), rather than in relation to other kinds of heritage attraction. In this programme we pay equal attention to collection-focused art museums and to contemporary art institutions. Our aim is to prepare you for work in a wide range of careers in the art sector and to understand that art sector as it is now.

  • Language Test: IELTS 6.5 (minimum)
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