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MS in Statistics
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New Orleans United States of America

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$ 54,930 Tuition

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Full time Format

Other available programs from Tulane University: School of Science & Engineering

The Master of Science degree in Statistics combines theory and application. Students in statistics will be trained in data collection, the editing and presentation of large data sets, the analyses of these sets and the mathematical foundations upon which all of these areas are based. The training has the two-fold purpose of preparing the student to enter commercial, governmental and other work areas which extensively rely on statistical information and to prepare the student to continue in pursuit of a more advanced degree. 

Graduates from the M.S. program may either directly enter the workforce as junior level statisticians or continue their studies in pursuit of a more advanced degree.  

In order to obtain the degree, students have to complete 30 credit hours and four-hour written examination.

  • GPA: 3.00
  • Other: * Three letters of recommendation * TOEFL score
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