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Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology

Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology

MSc in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics
Location icon

Moscow Russia

Duration icon

24 months Duration

Tuition icon

€ 10,728 Tuition

Format icon

Full time Format

Other available programs from Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology

The key features of the Mathematical and Theoretical Physics program are:

* Cutting edge research in fundamental concepts of theoretical physics;
* Covers the lack of joint education in physics and mathematics;
* Special emphasis on the research activity of students themselves;
* Provides a unique educational environment in the fields of theoretical and mathematical physics; 
* Renowned faculty with international experience and collaborations;
* Incorporates a variety of disciplines covering major topics in mathematical methods;
* Diverse and strong collaboration with international and Russian partners and publications in top journals.

  • Language Test: TOEFL 80 (minimum), IELTS 6 (minimum)
  • Other: * The applicants who have successfully passed the admission process and are enrolled at Skoltech do not pay for their studies.
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