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Saint Mary's College of California

MFA in Creative Writing
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Moraga United States of America

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$ 29,500 Tuition

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Full time Format

Other available programs from Saint Mary's College of California: School of Liberal Arts

The Saint Mary's Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program offers a campus environment that feels like a writing retreat within the San Francisco Bay Area.

The MFA degree program at Saint Mary's offers concentrations in creative nonfiction, fiction, and poetry. Take writing workshop every semester and meet with editors and literary agents. 

A third year in an additional genre is optional. Students can enroll in a fifth semester Book Manuscript Intensive course. Book Manuscript Intensive is open any writer interested in preparing a manuscript for publication.

  • Other: * A manuscript of your work in each genre you are applying: no more than 10 pages of poetry or 10-15 pages of creative nonfiction or fiction * 2 or 3 recommendation letters
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