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Oxford Brookes University


Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment

MSc in Data Analytics
Location icon

Oxford United Kingdom

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12 months Duration

Tuition icon

£ 15,700 Tuition

Format icon

Full time Format

Other available programs from Oxford Brookes University: Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment

With our MSc in Data Analytics you will learn fundamental theory and practice mathematical and statistical modelling. With special reference to data analysis and visualisation. With recent developments in digital technology, society has entered the era of 'big data'. The UK  Government recognises big data as one of the eight great technologies. It has priorities for funding and research and will have a pivotal role in rebuilding and strengthening the economy. The explosion and wealth of available data in a wide range of application domains gives rise to new challenges and opportunities in all areas. One major challenge is how to take advantage of the unprecedented scale of data. And how to gain further insights and knowledge to improve the quality of offered products and services.

  • Language Test: IELTS 6 (minimum)
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