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Old Dominion University

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Norfolk United States of America

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€ 49,932 Tuition

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Full time Format

Other available programs from Old Dominion University: College of Science

he master’s degree program is appropriate for individuals wishing to gain additional research experience prior to enrolling in a psychology doctoral program at Old Dominion University or another university or for those individuals who are seeking the master’s as a terminal degree. The curriculum is designed to provide a strong background in statistics, research methods, and general psychology so that the student will have a wide range of choices for future professional education and development. The program requires a major research project that culminates in the master’s thesis, the focus of which is determined and supervised through one-on-one mentoring with a faculty member with whom the student works throughout their time in the program. Although the master’s degree is not a licensing or practicing degree, it prepares students to be competent researchers, consumers, and interpreters of psychological science.

  • Other: * at least five undergraduate psychology courses * three letters of reference
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