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Old Dominion University

Master of Music Education (M.M.E.)
Location icon

Norfolk United States of America

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€ 47,158 Tuition

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Full time Format

Other available programs from Old Dominion University: College of Arts & Letters

The College of Arts and Letter offers the Master of Music Education degree with concentrations in applied performance/conducting, research, and pedagogy. The graduate degree is designed to develop advanced knowledge of broad-based principles and practices in music and music education for application in the public or private school, private studio, or higher education setting. A minimum of 34 semester hours of coursework is required to complete the degree, with the hours distributed according to the area of concentration. The degree does not provide Virginia state licensure for teaching.

  • Language Test: TOEFL 79 (minimum)
  • GPA: 3.00
  • Other: *Two letters of reference * Music repertoire list
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