The Master of Science in Integrated Sciences program offers interdisciplinary training in the area of cross-cutting biological, physical and mathematical sciences with three concentrations, biology, chemistry, and physics, and a professional track covering data analytics, science education, engineering, informatics, management, and statistics. Students will obtain greater indepth preparation in one of these disciplines. The program offers both classroom and laboratory experiences and concludes with a master’s thesis, aiming to prepare students for advanced studies toward a doctoral degree or a research career in industry and governmental agencies.
LEARNING OUTCOMES After completion of the program, the students will be able to:
- Understand scientific literature and its applications in research;
- Be an ethical scientist;
- Understand the scientific basis of modern instrumentation and techniques including computational methods and apply them in research;
- Gain in-depth knowledge and research experience in one area of biology, chemistry or physics;
- Develop strategies to complete an assigned research project and carry them out to produce data for scientific advancement;
- Communicate scientific results effectively through poster, oral and written formats.
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