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Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S)
Location icon

Atlanta United States of America

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24 months Duration

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€ 23,760 Tuition

Format icon

Full time Format

Other available programs from Mercer University: McAfee School of Theology


The Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.) is an academically rigorous degree program designed to prepare students for advanced and specialized work in religion. Because of its academic nature, many students who pursue an M.T.S. go on to further graduate studies in numerous fields related to theology or serve in the non-profit sector, higher education, counseling, or various communities of faith. The ideal candidate for the M.T.S. degree is intellectually curious, academically focused, and highly motivated. A background in theology or religion is not required.

  • GPA: 3.00
  • Other: * Background Check * Autobiographical essay * Letters of Recommendation * Writing Sample
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