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Online MSc in Robotic Software Engineering
Location icon

Waltham United States of America

Tuition icon

$ 35,350 Tuition

Format icon

Blended / Distance / Online Format

Other available programs from Brandeis University: Rabb School: Graduate Professional Studies

Turn your coding into practice with the software engineering skills and knowledge that will shape the future through robotics. The MS in Robotic Software Engineering is designed to help you build advanced skills in various robotic software engineering technologies and develop hands-on experience with the technology stack. With small classes of no more than 20 students, you will deeply engage as you design and code end-to-end software solutions that power autonomous and cooperative robots. Brandeis University is consistently ranked as a top national university by U.S. News & World Report, so you can be confident that you have earned a degree from one of the best universities in the country. The 30-credit part-time, online program has eight required courses and two electives.

  • Language Test: TOEFL 100 (minimum), IELTS 7 (minimum)
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