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Bournemouth University

MSc in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship
Location icon

Poole United Kingdom

Duration icon

12 months Duration

Tuition icon

£ 14,750 Tuition

Format icon

Full time Format

Other available programs from Bournemouth University: Business School

The course will develop you into a lateral thinker capable of seeing things differently to those around you. With that skillset, you’ll be in a great position to take exciting new ideas to market, and create successful businesses around them.

To help you get there, you’ll gain insights into, and practical experience of, the issues facing new business ventures as well as ways of breathing new life into established businesses by fostering creativity, design and new ways of thinking. You’ll build theoretical knowledge alongside the core business skills you need to start new enterprises and transform existing ones through innovations in product, process or business models.

  • Language Test: IELTS 6 (minimum)
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