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Berlin Professional School

MA in Labour Policies and Globalisation
Location icon

Berlin Germany

Duration icon

12 months Duration

Tuition icon

$ 1,423 Tuition

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Full time Format

Other available programs from Berlin Professional School: Berlin School of Economics and Law

The Master programme Labour Policies and Globalisation is a 1-year MA program on Sustainable Development, Social Justice, International Labour Standards and Trade Unions. The focus of the Masters programme in “Labour Policies and Globalisation” is on the challenges for labour posed by corporate decisions on investments across nations, by predominantly supply-side oriented macroeconomics, and by neo-liberal rules for trade and finance at a global level. Discussion of the adequacy of alternative policies for labour is a central element throughout the program.

  • Language Test: TOEFL 87 (minimum), IELTS 6 (minimum)
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