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Arkansas State University


College of Engineering & Computer Science

Online Master in Engineering Management
Location icon

Jonesboro United States of America

Duration icon

12 months Duration

Tuition icon

$ 9,510 Tuition

Format icon

Blended / Distance / Online Format

The Arkansas State University Master of Engineering Management (MEM) program, a one-year master’s degree plan consisting of 30 semester credit hours, is designed for all engineers on management career paths as well as for those charged with managing technology in engineering, manufacturing, and other high-tech organizations. The MEM degree program will also benefit engineers pursuing licensure in states where candidates for professional licensure are required to have an additional 30 semester credit hours of coursework beyond the bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree in engineering. The curriculum consists of courses offered by the A-State College of Engineering and Computer Science.


  • GPA: 2.75
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