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Alabama A&M University


College of Engineering, Technology, and Physical Sciences

MSc in Mechanical Engineering
Location icon

Huntsville United States of America

Tuition icon

$ 27,720 Tuition

Format icon

Full time Format

Other available programs from Alabama A&M University: College of Engineering, Technology, and Physical Sciences

The Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME) is a professional career-enhancing degree program that provides students with opportunities for professional development and career advancement, and provides employers with better skilled, more adaptable, and more productive career employees. The MSME program supports the university’s mission in fostering access and opportunity and application of knowledge responsive to the needs of a diverse student population and the social and economic needs of the state and region. Students in the MSME degree program may opt for either the thesis (minimum of 30 semester hours) or the non-thesis (minimum of 33 semester hours) options.

  • Language Test: TOEFL 100 (minimum)
  • GPA: 3.00
  • Verbal Reasoning (minimum): 146
  • Quantitative Reasoning (minimum): 140
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