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The University of Sydney


School of Architecture, Design and Planning

Master of Design - Design Innovation
Location icon

Sydney Australia

Duration icon

18 months Duration

Tuition icon

AUD 39,500 Tuition

Format icon

Full time Format

Other available programs from The University of Sydney: School of Architecture, Design and Planning

The Master of Design provides new skills for industry leaders of tomorrow. The Design Innovation specialisation will introduce you to the principles, practices and methods of design-led innovation and inquiry, equipping you with the tools and techniques to lead in a rapidly evolving business landscape. The degree places an emphasis on “design for innovation” as a capability-enhancing skill that can be applied across a range of contexts to address complex global issues. You will gain a holistic understanding of design-led innovation approaches and learn how to apply them in a practical industry setting. Throughout the degree, you will be engaged in both analytical and creative thinking, and acquire broad skills in communication, information literacy, inventiveness and critical thinking. 

  • Language Test: IELTS 7 (minimum)
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